Saturday, 24 December 2011

Human Emotions-An Enigma.

Human emotions have always intrigued me. Well, being a human all my life, I haven’t been able to figure out how a person can go from extreme highs to major lows in a matter of a few seconds.

Why do we cry? Is it because we are upset; bothered perhaps?
Or sometimes, are we just exhausted?
Most people don’t realize that the Oh-So-Famous-Memory Lane is not just one single street of recapitulation.
Every Memory Lane dissevers into several smaller lanes. Most times a trip down Memory Lane will bring a nice warm smile on your face, but when does Memory Lane just bring pain?

Tears. Just mere drops of salty water?  I don’t think so.
Like Coldplay has very rightly put it, “Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall”
Every teardrop has a story to tell. With a voice that cannot be heard; with words that cannot be expressed.
In one of my previous posts, I did mention that sometimes, smiling just means that you’re strong. So does tearing up mean you’re weak?
While most people may think so, I beg to differ. I think it’s a pretty logical move.
All that your heart can’t handle, your eyes let out.
If we’re too tired; too upset; too confused, at times we do break down, we do let it out and unknowingly at that. Smart isn’t it?

But then again, there are tears of joy as well. What can I say about them?
Human Emotions- An Enigma. *Sigh*

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